Communications calendar and T-shirt Hello everyone! Just a few hours ago we presented our Calendario2011 and shirt which we have already worn during lamanifestazione National Roma last 25 settembrecontro the European directive vivisezione.Come know about, giving away or giving you calendar and / or T-shirt, with a bid of € 5 for first and € 12 for second, as well as any shipping costs for those who are not located in Aquila or Rome, you will give to our little angels, cats terremotatidel the Old Town of L ' Aquila, the opportunity to continue and to survive in an environment anutrirsi depopulated incu have no chance of succeeding unless the attraversol'impegno volontari.Certo, we immediately felt the great inconvenience of dovervichiedere for the Calendar of the amounts, under dispedizione cost rather high, but they were up to this Morning only information we have, until, nelcorso of the day, some of our supporters we have segnalatol'esistenza a mode of shipment, the bend of books conraccomandata for the purposes of traceability, undoubtedly piùvantaggiosa, but inexplicably mails tend to "tenerenascosta. We tested and finally there is this possibility was not without effort, confirmed that we dipotervi glad to inform you that, when a shipment of Calendario2011, such costs amount to: Euro-
up to 3.63 kg. 2 weight of the package (about 50
No calendars),-Euro 6.30 kg. And up to 2 kg. 5 weight of the package (ie, dacirca No No 50 and up to about 125 calendars).
remain unchanged all other directions, you already know, suordinazioni, payments etc. .. The Association
"99 Cats AQ" I wish you again with such peaceful affettoun & 2011Sperando happy to be a peaceful and happy years as stays and the many cats in need of his city.