Saturday, November 22, 2008

Side Effects Baralgin

DRAPIA: requests PD to the Province on

Tania posted at Ruffa Calabria Ora "
a decisive and immediate action for the City of Drapia to solve its problems through specific and targeted. " This is what he asked Raffaele Di Bella, a candidate in the provincial election with the list "democratic participation", the President Francesco De Nisi and to the Culture Michelangelo Mirabello, this Friday night, along with the mayor of Drapia, Aurelio Rombolà, a meeting organized by the political group the Democratic Party of comune.Spiegando all the problems and hardships of the area concerned, Di Bella has taken his speech on some fundamental shortcomings in the municipality is in infrastructure, such as "the lack of a sewage drainage system in the country of Gasponi, funding for the 522 provincial road that would connect with Drapia Tropea, the completion of the provincial sports field of San Angelo, now in a state of neglect, the safety of many roads, as the junction Brattirò Ciaramiti and connects with the completion of the road between Caria and Brattirò, both socio-cultural, as more aid to enhance the castle of Caria, residence the philosopher Pasquale Galuppi and via dei Mulini, located in the torrent of Brattirò, also paying greater attention to cultural associations already exist, as the old path, the committees of the various festivals and theatrical company cariese.L 'Councillor Mirabello intervening stressed the importance of this geographical area, highlighting the features and resources in the area. Responding to requests for Di Bella, said that there is already a concern for this center, "was given great attention - said the leader of the Democratic Party - the restoration of the valley of the mills and the enhancement of the association Enotria that in these days submitted to the province a training project for young people. I would also like to remember - said - that this is the only theater in Drapia throughout the province and through some funding has been able to establish a real season teatrale.Molti were the interventions of the public who tried to call particular attention on human resources of the area, asking for help for young people now leave the country, and for children, with the reform Gelmini, will see the closure of their schools. On this point intervened Cecilia Simonelli, a candidate in provincial elections in the Democratic Solidarity list, which asked for concrete help to the President for the construction of a single school complex for the whole town in Sant'Angelo, to avoid - said Simonelli - to bring the children in public schools in De Nisi limitrofi.Il President stressed that the primary objective is just that, trying to organize plexuses and to safeguard them. This territory - he concluded - to its geographical position, may represent the future of tourism, and as such must also be guaranteed on the environment. "We're thinking also - the president said - to create an underground line to transport with the aim of facilitating so many commuters and offer modern facilities for tourists."


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