Everyone knows the simple use of the nautilus-scripts. 'S why I made this simple script that allows you to quickly and easily convert paper documents into electronic format pdf, archived and easily traceable.
There are many utilities and programs that perform the same job, above all the excellent gscan2pdf , but I need something simple and quick, reliable and powerful as well.
# / bin / bash #
# Scan2PDF - ver 0.2
# This script starts by setting the scanner with options #
common and produces as output a single document format
# PDF file that contains the scanned pages
# # 2010 - bleish.wordpress.com
# $ 1 = "" if you have not selected any files in the folder
# clicked, then the workbook is clicked
# else take it as a workbook that
returned just $ 1 if [["$ 1"! = ""]]
then cd "$ 1" fi
gnome-terminal - geometry = 60x25-x scanimage - p - mode Gray \\
- resolution 150 - JPEG compression - jpeg-quality 10 \\
- batch-scan = yes - batch = '% 0.3d outscan'
PACK = out
tmpdir = `pwd`
[-e "$ PACK.pdf"] & & PACK = `mktemp-u - tmpdir = $ tmpdir` out-XXX
convert outscan PACK.pdf
* $ rm * outscan
Then simply install the script in the ~ / .gnome2/nautilus-scripts