Dear Paper, I've been tagged!
We have reached the final stage of our journey. We are able to prepare Wiki-cards in a relevant and correct. Now, the goal is to create an online catalog with all the musical voices (and not) contained in our library.
Follow the instructions on the Wiki the Smith Music (from "Dear Book, tagged you! ", the last stage, "Dear Paper, I've been tagged!") And prepared, working constructively cards containing-Wiki is a more discursive and the technical description using the ISBD (PM) and ISBD (G). Depending on the type of document, in the description of discourse you can use the template tagging a score "or" tag a book. "
The catalog must be divided into several thematic categories, such as, for example, the category of music theory books spoken, one for the musical dictation, the material for the piano, etc.., Each of these categories contain a list of texts cited as "author, title and indexed, then, in alphabetical order according to the author's last name (in case of multiple authors is chosen as the reference first identified on the cover of the book).
course, yet only a few categories have been included, but it is natural that if they are needed more, they must be added!
In this last phase the insertion of the TAG will be crucial. After the establishment of the catalog, online research materials and texts will only be possible through a good selection of TAG enter.
Dear Paper, I've been tagged! (last step "Dear Paper, tagged you!")
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